Classroom Toolkit and Program

Dr. Will Sawyer, International Infection Prevention Expert, and his team created the Infection Prevention School Program. The School Program trains students, faculty, and staff members to prevent the spread of respiratory and gastro-intestinal diseases. After instituting this Program, a school will see a decrease in incidences of illness, which will increase attendance throughout their school. A healthy student is a better learner. This science based multi-media and multi-sensory program will benefit the health of every student and school employee. Implementing the innovative reinforcement techniques and tools of this Program into your school’s culture develops life long practice of the AMA and AAFP endorses 4 Principles of Hand Awareness.

This Classroom Kit is a demonstration kit designed for teachers, school nurses, educational assistants, parents, wellness committee members, college or high school students, and community members to implement the Infection Prevention Program in an individual classroom. We also offer the Infection Prevention Tool Kit for the School that supplies a school of 250-300 students with all the necessary tools to properly implement the School Program

Contents Supplies up to 30 students
1 Curriculum
1 4 Principles Poster
1 Germs on Your Hands Poster
1 Handwashing Instruction Guide Poster
1 Do Not Touch the T Zone Poster
1 Laminated Classroom Handwashing Chart*
1 Activity Book
1 Home Hand Washing Chart
1 Germs on Your Hands Take Home Activity Sheets*
1 Puppet
1 Health Shield – Standard*
1 Germ Potion – 2 oz
1 LED Black Light
1 Respiratory Atomizer
1 Operant Conditioning Clicker*
100 Champion Handwasher Stickers (2.5″)
10 T-Zone Stickers
2 Handwashing Instructions Vinyl Repositionable Decals *
1 Nail Brush

We highly recommend sharing reinforcement tools with friends and family members. These shared teaching and reinforcement tools promote the positive Hand Awareness behaviors adults and children need to emulate. If the adults do not practice these simple behaviors, then the children will not. We also have Infection Prevention Tool Kits for the Home, School and Hospital designed to promote continuity throughout your community. The cumulative effect of utilizing this Program dramatically reduces seasonal illness, which improves the learning potential for students and increases adult productivity in all aspects of their lives. The “components” section below details how you can benefit the most from each individual tool in the Infection Prevention Tool Kit for the Classroom.

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